TCUL Annual Convention

22   Apr

Gatlinburg, TN

Investment services

Corporate Accounts

Each VolCorp member credit union has unlimited access to our comprehensive corporate account offerings.

Account Options

Transaction Account

This is the primary account used in conjunction with VolCorp services. It’s an interest-bearing account through which all settlement clears.

Premier Account

This account is designed to easily earn additional interest on excess overnight funds. Funds in excess of minimum balance requirements sweep from the Transaction Account into the Premier Account each night. These sweeps are automatic and at no cost to credit unions. Dividends are accrued daily and paid at the end of each month.

Member Managed Fund Account

Credit unions can earn a premium rate on liquid funds without worrying about withdrawal limits. Transactions are handled through our online account transfer system. This account has a tiered rate structure, so the higher the balance, the higher the rate credit unions can earn. Dividends are accrued daily and paid at the end of each month.

Notice 90 Account

This account combines the short-term liquidity of a share account with the benefits of a higher rate of return. There is a 90-day notice required for withdrawal and a maximum balance per credit union, but no minimum deposit amount. Member credit unions earn a premium floating interest rate without the concern of a long-term maturity date.

Corporate Certificates

VolCorp offers a wide variety of high-yielding certificates, with terms ranging from one day to five years, along with flexible dividend schedules. There’s no dollar limit on how much can be invested, and we assume the market and interest rate risk.

Community Investment Fund (CIF)

VolCorp has partnered with the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF) to give members the ability to invest in the Community Investment Fund (CIF). This option is now available through Volcorp for all PCC members and enables them to support the state’s League initiatives for helping credit unions, as well as the National Foundation.

Become a Partner

For more information about our corporate accounts, contact us! One of our representatives will get back to you shortly.

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